
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 4 & Sewing Retreat Deets

Hey, hey! Well, I am almost half way through week 4 of training, woop woop! and still a few days behind on the schedule, oops! But, I did manage to get my run in while on my weekend sewing retreat - so there's that! And actually, I was quite impressed with my pace/time considering the massive hill country hills I had to run up - like whoa! Somehow, I managed to keep a 9:45 minute mile pace for those 3 miles - I'll take it! Must of been all the sewing... it's good for the soul :)

I'm pretty proud of what I was able to accomplish this weekend, sewing wise (being the novice sewer that I am), check it out...

Emma's apron dress (still need to add a little somethin' to it) I think she likes it :)
The bag that took like 6 hours to make! But it sure is cute!
  Emma's Aggie gameday dress (still need to add the applique to the bottom)
Bag doubles as a chef's hat - it's so versatile!

So now I just have the sewing bug and can't wait to make more stuff! I'm a nerd, I know!

Today's workout was AWESOME! It was one of those workouts/runs that feel so good and cathartic, you know?? I did 3.5 miles on the treadmill (since it was already 86 degrees outside at 9am!), and then followed that up with an upper body tabata Tuesday weight workout! I felt like I was in beastmode! I love feeling my muscles getting bigger - seriously, how do dudes not sit around feeling their muscles all the time?! Maybe I'm the only weirdo!


In other news, we finally made it out with the kids to see the bats fly out of the Congress Ave Bridge. J's cousin and his family were in town Sunday, so we thought it seemed like a fun thing to do after eating at the aka Shady Grove. Four words. Green Chili Cheese Fries. Ah-Maze-Ing. Mmm, I'll dream about it again tonight :)
Sorry for the uncropped pic, I totes stole it from facebook and was too lazy to fix it!
The ever famous Austin Bats!
Anyhoo, the dreaded incline workout is on tap for tomorrow... kill me now! Oh, and I think decided to nix the Dallas Marathon and shoot for the Austin Marathon February 16th - 201 days away baby, bay-be. But who knows, I may change my mind again - we'll see! Oh, and I am going to check my body fat % this Friday - my goal was to get it down to 21%, so we'll see where I am with that goal. I'm nervous and excited - I guess as long as it goes down, I can't be disappointed, right?! (BTW - in April it was around 30% - yikes! A freakin' 1/3 of my body was FAT - eww!)

Except maybe oreos and milk!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My whole body hurts!

So... I did this kettle bell workout on MONDAY, after making up a 3 mile run... and my body still hates me today! I haven't been this sore in a VERY long time!

Or at least that's what I keep telling myself!
I then decided yesterday morning to make up my 6 mile run (that I didn't do this past weekend), and holy hell it was HOT! It certainly wasn't my best run ever (not even close). I was sore, stiff, and hot! The last 2 miles were straight up a walk/run!

I'm still 2 days behind, but after tomorrow will only be 1 day behind. I DO NOT suggest getting behind on your training schedule, catching up SUCKS! If I wake up early on Friday and get my run in before heading out of town, I will be all caught up, Then I just have to practice some dedication and get my Saturday run in at some point this weekend! Luckily, this week's "long run" is just a 5K race, and since I'm not signed up for a race, I'll just pound the pavement at 5K pace and call it a day, and wrap up week 3 of training!

I am definitely one of those people that have to have some kind of schedule to follow. Something with a beginning and an end. An end game. A goal. I tend to fall off the wagon (like way off) when I don't have some kind of structure to hold me accountable to myself.

So, I saw this yesterday and I have decided that I have to have one!
I think I am going to get the half 1:50 pace bracelet. I don't think I will get a marathon one, since it will pretty much just be a miracle if I can FINISH it without dying!

I am pretty pumped about this weekend. Some girlfriends and I are going on a sewing retreat! I know, I'm a weirdo. But, hey any excuse for a girls weekend away right?! And bonus, I come back with some cute new outfits for Emma! Here's a little somethin' somethin' I whipped up for her yesterday to gear up for this weekend...
I know, the buttons aren't centered, I need to fix that!
Our digs for the retreat... not too shabby!

a little sneak of what I hope to finish this weekend!

Oh, and before I forget... you have to try this recipe - DELISH! It's a copy cat recipe for these amazing balls of yumminess!


1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/4 cup almond flour
1 1/2 T coconut oil
3T maple syrup
1/4 t almond extract
1 t vanilla extract
1/8 t sea salt
2 T unsweetened cocoa nibs

Preheat oven to 200*. Put all ingredients into a food processor and pulse until combined. Portion into 10 balls (I used a melon baller), and put on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 20 minutes, then turn the heat off and leave them in the oven until completely cooled. Store in an airtight container in the fridge.

They are AMAZE-BALLS (see what I did there, hehe)

Hope you guys have a great week and weekend!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I've got the fever...

Baby Fever that is! For reals y'all! It's bad.

Perhaps it's because I was thinking/planning/hoping to have a surrogate (friend of mine) carry our sweet #3 (possibly 3 and 4 - I shudder to think) in the next month or two. But unfortunately, since she had to have a uterine ablation, that ship has sailed and is no longer an option. Womp womp! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely crushed by the news, but at the same time, I know that God has better plans for me/us, and that just wasn't in his plan. This whole surrendering control thing is tough!

I know that given the state of my crazy toddlers at the moment, a baby should be the last thing on my mind, yet I just can't seem to shake the feeling and the yearning. With the cost of adoption and surrogacy both around $20-30k, J and I know that realistically and logistically, there is NO WAY we would be able to afford going that route :( We just have to keep the faith, or rather I have to keep the faith!

Have you caught the baby fever too? Here are 10 signs mama needs another baby, stat (via The Stir):

1.) You burst into tears at the sight of your Facebook feed and all it's birth and pregnancy announcements.

2.) You daydream about nursery colors instead of working, picking out all the wall decals and bedding in your mind.

3.) You buy baby outfits for friends and can't bear to send them because MAYBE you will have another one and MAYBE you will need that outfit and it will be out of stock.

4.) The sound of a baby crying makes your boobs tingle even though you haven't lactated in more than two years. Actually, scratch that. The THOUGHT of a baby's cry makes your boobs tingle. Yep. It's true.

5.) You actually contemplate picking up a stray baby in the store and asking the mom how bad she REALLY wants her. It's a stray second of insanity, but enough to scare you.

6.) Your best friend has a baby and you still don't give her all the beautiful Hanna Andersson clothing in mint condition that no longer fits your big kids. You don't want it to get dirty! Just in case!

7.) You move hundreds of dollars worth of stray baby items to your new home even though you have no baby on the off-chance you might again. Someday. (um yeah, boxes of them actually, both girl and boy, cause well, you never know)

8.) You have a million practical reasons not to have a baby and you still long for one.

9.) You daydream about baby names and feel like you will be lost if you don't get to name a baby after your great aunt Mildred who died with no children. (OK maybe not the aunt part, but def the day dreaming about names part!)

10.) You totally can't remember the sleep deprivation and think, It couldn't have been that bad, right?

Hope you all are makin' it through this Hump Day!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rainy Day Running

It kinda sucks when the temperature finally drops down to the glorious 70s and 80s, but it won't stop pouring long enough to take advantage and get a good run in :( womp womp! So what's a girl to do? Skip it and eat buy one get one Twix on the couch :) Um, no (although I totally did that on my off day, no lie).

We have a membership at the Y down the street, which we LOVE, HELLO free family Friday, holla! I'll admit, it is not the greatest in terms of a workout facility, but it gets the job done. So, I hit the 'ol dreadmill for my run this morning. I decided to try out this 30 minute incline treadmill workout from PBfingers. Girlfriend has an S-ton of treadmill workouts on her site, you totes need to go check it out!

Can I just say, HOLY COW! That work out was intense! I'd be lying if I said I didn't need to hold on to the machine the last 10 or 15 seconds of the 14 and 15 incline runs! I was sweating like a whore in church! There was def no boredom in this workout! So that took care of my 3 miles today, and tomorrow I've got a 30 min tempo run on tap. Last week I did my first tempo run on the treadmill since I'm not used to doing them and it's a lot easier to control my speed (I am quite clumsy sometimes and would surely trip and fall if I had to continuously look down at my Garmin for 30 min - you feel me?). Here's what my tempo run looked like...

So yeah, I am head long into week 2 of Hal Higdon's Intermediate Half Training, and so far, all is going well! I wish I could say the same for being a parent to 2 1/2 year old twins! Ugh, we are full on in the terrible 2s and I may have to admit myself into the loony bin - seriously folks! I just have to keep reminding myself that This too shall pass. In other news, both kids have decided that peeing outside on the grass is awesome - whatevs, as long as it's only in our yard. Oh and also, they have chose peeing on their floor out of spite as the retaliation of choice when in time out. Awesome. Parenting is fun y'all!
It's a good thing they're cute!
Have a great week!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summertime, and the livin's easy...

Summertime is most definitely upon us here in 'ol Tejas! Holy smokes is it HOT! I'm talking 108 people! Despite the heat, the swamp butt and the massive boob sweat, I've have been killin' it with my half marathon training! Can I get a woot woot?!

So I officially started my training schedule on Monday with Strength training, a little BodyPump, pump, pump it up, pump that Texan spirit up! Sorry, I got transported back to my high school pep rally momentarily, but I'm back now.
I totes need this tank!
 I am doing Hal Higdon's Intermediate Half Training Program, which will end pretty much exactly when I am set to run the Louisiana Jazz Half.
Can I just tell you how stinkin' excited I am about going back to NOLA! Mmmm Cajun food, Abita beer, jazz music, people watching... ahh love it - CANNOT wait! Maybe LSU will be playing while we're there - Geaux Tigers! I'm not a fan, I just like to spell geaux like that ;) I am planning to add in some lifting to the mix (maybe 2-3 days a week including a BodyPump class), some core work, and maybe some cycling (either a class or a ride on the trail once a week). I'll be splitting my runs up between speed intervals, hills, easy runs, pace runs, and tempo runs. I REALLY want to run a sub 2 at the Jazz Half!

Eating has been going really well too! I feel like I am finally find a good balance between eating clean, low carb, dairy free, and grain free. It ain't easy, but it sure seems to be making a huge difference in my overall health! Of course, I'm not perfect, I'm just do the best I can, and aim to get better. Imperfect Progress, that's what it's all about my friends! My go to breakfasts are scrambled green eggs (spinach), all natural bacon or turkey sausage, fruit and a cup of coffee or green tea. My lunch is usually a turkey wrap with veggies and fruit or leftovers, and I find most of my dinners on Pinterest and the Peace Love Low Carb blog. I also will have a protein smoothie after a hard workout or run. I use Jay Robb Chocolate Egg White Protein, spinach, half a banana, chia seeds and ice and it's yum-o! Oh and these little guys are my new favorite obsession!
Ohhhhemmmmgeee, so good! I wish I a) knew how to make them at home and b) had the time to make them at home! They are great snack for when you're out and about and can't make a smoothie or whatever.

Anyhoo - I am just feeling fan-flippin' tastic lately! I will admit that it is a bit overwhelming to remember to take all these darn pills, but oh so worth it! By the way - I totally got my haircut... it's really short... what do you think? Now I just have to wait a few weeks to correct the color (um yeah, that can be a whole post in and of itself, let's just say, this is not what it was supposed to look like).
Sorry - this is the only pic I have

Here are some pics from our 4th of July weekend festivities, hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
Double rainbow "What does it mean?!"
(watch it, seriously, you can thank me later)

Neighborhood 4th of July Pool Party

Mmmm Ice cream!

Sunset before the big 3rd of July fireworks show

It's about to start!

Just chillaxin' waiting for the parade to start

Here it comes!


Family pic!

Tempting, but no, we did not eat the GIANT donut at Round Rock Donuts!

We could not peel this kid away from these fountains!

Look at my poodle mom!

Mere moments after this photo was taken, she tripped and her flower balloon popped
and an epic meltdown ensued. Fun times.

Cheeto coma on the way to Mimi and Poppy's

Face painting!

My little flower child


What 4th of July weekend would complete without watermelon with friends?!