
Friday, January 31, 2014

20 mile training run... check!

Yup. I did that shit! I think I may actually be ready for the marathon is just over 2 weeks! Whoa, never thought I'd ever say that! Here's how it went down, in case you're interested (although I'm sure you couldn't care less!)

6:30am - roll outa bed and make some coffee before I have to go to the Y and stand in line for free family Friday... it was my turn this month.

7:45am - woo hoo, I was able to score Feb. 14th (vday date night baby, and with an extra hour, woot woot!), head home to get ready to run.

8:00am - eat a piece of toast with PB and half a banana, get water bottle and shot bloks ready to go.

8:30am - hit up the restroom and put my running clothes on. the weather is AMAZING today!

9:00am - head out the door to stretch and wait for the Garmin (aka my running buddy) to find a signal.

9:13am - Start- Bam, here we go! I head out down to the trail behind my house, but because of the golf course, I have to go the long way around and it actually takes about a mile and a half to get to the big trail. Then I take off towards the end of the trail, where I plan to then turn around and head straight on to the other end of the trail and back again. Around mile 7, I was getting a little hot and decided to take my pullover off and tie it around my waist. At this point I am making really good time, averaging about 10:45, which is exactly where I was trying to stay (my goal was to keep the whole run under 11 min miles, and too either get negative splits or keep them all relatively the same pace throughout).

At 10.5 miles I had made it to the beginning of the trail (which also happens to be at the YMCA, where the hubs and kids were). I ran inside to pee, and then jumped on the treadmill for 2 miles (so that I could just run straight home from there). After that I stretched a little bit, refilled my water bottle and threw a lemon lime nuun tab in, and was feeling pretty good! I set out on the trail again. I got really pumped once I reached 14 miles and could not wipe the smile off my face, b/c I had just ran further then I ever had before! The jams were pumpin', the weather was awesome, and I was feeling pretty good, no real aches or pains or cramps lawd knows I've had my fair share of shit-uations, nahmean?!

Around mile 16 I started thinking to myself... "who ever thought running this long was a good idea?! This sucks! I am never running a marathon again!"
Yes. This. ALLLLL of this!

... let me just say training all by yourself with no running buddies suuuuuuuucks. But alas, none of my friends are dumb enough to take on such a challenge. Seriously, I started to feel like Tom Hanks in Castaway, but instead of a volleyball named Wilson, I had a watch named Garmin that I had conversations with!

The only things getting me through those last few miles was knowing I was in the home stretch, but I was also terrified because I knew the last mile and a half were all uphill! Yuck! I was still managing to avg around 10:42-10:50 pace as I tuned off the trail to head home. I had never stopped running (except to pee and stretch at the halfway point) and I wasn't about to walk the last mile, I knew I would have to dig deep. I took my last shot blok and started hoofin' it up the hill. It is very possible that my walk would have been faster then the hobalong jog business I was doing, but I didn't care, I was all "I can't stop, and I won't stop!" and "who gunna stop me, huh!" - channeling my inner Miley and Kanye to just.keep.going.

Finally, I made it up the hill and I knew the quarter mile home was relatively flat, and I made an attempt to go as fast as I could and finish strong, although my body was pretty well spent, and I think I topped out at 10:30 (but felt like I was going much faster than that!) Finally, I rounded the corner and could see my house! I looked down and saw that I was going to be just shy of 20 miles, but I did not give 2 shits - f'ing close enough, right?! (it was 19.3 if you must know, but I rounded that shit up and added a little more time) Jason was in the driveway and I stopped the Garmin and threw my hands in the air and said "OMG I F*CKIN' DID IT!" at which point J told me to take my headphones off because I was talking wayyyyy too loud - oops! Sorry new neighbors, I promise I'm classier than that yeah right.

So yeah, BAM! almost 20 miles in 3:34. Man am I glad it's over! And the crazy thing? I felt GREAT! I took an nice ice bath ugh I hate those! followed by a steaming hot shower, threw on some compression calf sleeves, comfy clothes, and shoved a hamburger and French fries in my pie hole and attempted to take a nap. Yeah, the nap didn't happen thanks Emma. We had a sitter coming that night so that we could go out, and J was very concerned that would not be able to hang, since I was pretty much done-zo after all my other long runs/halves, but I stretched a bunch, drank some coffee felt AWESOME for the rest of the night! Woop! I think I crawled into bed around 12:30 with no Tylenol or anything like that. I was pretty nervous that I would not be able to move come Sunday morning, but imagine my surprise when I woke up the next morning and could actually walk like a normal human being?! Holy crap! Are you kiddin' me right now?! How is this remotely possible?? Amazing. Just absolutely amazing. I have no explanation, I just know that I never once felt sore or overly exhausted after that run.

Due to the wonderful winter weather we received on Tuesday, I was not able to get my 5 mile run in, and I let other life stuff get in the way on Wednesday, so I did get my 10 miles in then either, but I was able to get 5 in yesterday (speed work on the treadmill - 47:15 - pretty pumped about that). Now I have 12 on tap for tomorrow, 8 next week and then the big day. Can I just tell you that I am so sick of running?! Ugh! for reals, I cannot wait to take a nice long vacation from running!

Anywho... My goal is to finish the marathon in under 5 hours, ideally in the neighborhood of 4:45, but we shall see :) My hubs reminded me that either way it will be a PR :) Love that man! Pretty sure this will be a one and done for me - nothankyouverymuch! I think I will stick with the half crazy folks from here on out! So yeah, I'm kinda proud of myself, and am constantly amazed at how far I've come, I just really hope that my race day goes as well as this 20 mile run did!

Happy Friday y'all!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mastering the Negative Split

Hey hey hey! Who's got two thumbs and PR'd in her 3rd half marathon over the weekend??? THIS GIRL! Woot Woot! Holla! To say I'm a little excited might be an understatement! I kinda knew and expected to PR in this race, seeing as it was pretty much all downhill, but I didn't want to count my chickens before they were hatched, nah-mean! It's weird, at no point during my training or leading up to race day did I ever feel nervous, false confidence? I don't know, but it was strange. Now, thinking about running anything longer than 13.1... now that scared the crap out of me, and this weekend will seal my fate on whether I take the leap into the world of 26.2, or stay in my half crazy little world! I am going to try to run that 18 miler again, annnnnnnnnnnd maybe 2 more miles on top of that - eek! IF, I can do it without dying, I will go ahead and pay the astronomical $135 registration fee (so ridiculous) and run the Austin Marathon in, oh you know, 25 freakin' days! Holy balls Batman, I'm freakin' out just thinking about it, even after the high of this weekend's awesome race. So speaking of the race, check out who is finally starting to master the negative split, baby bay-bay!

how stinkin' cute are the signs the hubs made?! Love him!

Austin 3M Half Marathon Splits

1 - 9:51
2 - 9:35
3 - 9:37
4 - 9:26
5 - 9:25
6 - 9:21
7 - 9:21
8 - 9:12
9 - 9:26
10 - 9:42 (there was a hill)
11 - 9:26
12 - 9:00 (tried like hell to get in under 2 hours...)
13 - 9:21 (but realized there was no way)

Unofficial time (stopped watch at 13.1)-  2:03:43, Official time- 2:05:15 (avg pace 9:27)

you bet your ass I ate an S load of Girl Scout Cookies after the race! Holla! #iheartsamoas

They say that the key to a successful race is running a negative split (your second half of the race is faster than your first half), and I have been really trying to do this in my training runs. In previous runs, I have struggled with going out too fast and burning out toward the end. So this time I really had to talk myself down coming out of the start line, because you get so caught up in the excitement that you just want to take off, all like this girl is on fi-ya, but you gotta tell yourself, yo, slow your roll girlfriend, save it for the end! And that is exactly what I tried to do! I've certainly not mastered it by any means, but I'm improving, and progress is progress my friend, and I'll take it where I can get it!

I took yesterday off, as my thighs were kinda thrashed (downhill races are killer on your quads, and running them correctly is an art form in itself, one I clearly have not mastered - eh, add it to the list), but I was back at today. I hit the pavement for a 5 mile recovery run. Gotta keep on keepin on, right! I started off slow so I could get my poor muscles nice and warmed up. I was very pleased to find that I had negative splits again, and without being a slave to my Garmin - woo hoo! If I can get this whole pacing business down, I just might be able to go the distance and earn that 26.2 sticker on the back of my car. We shall see.

In other news, there are only 10 more days left to SHOP FOR A CAUSE!

Have a fabulous week everyone!


Saturday, January 18, 2014

3M Half Marathon Playlist

Here's the list of jamz I selected for tomorrow's race. Hopefully these tunes will give me the motivation I'll need to push harder than I ever have before and leave it all out there and end the day with a PR baby! Good luck to all racers this weekend!

Pompeii - Bastille
I Wish - Cher Lloyd
Love More - Chris Brown
Survivor - Destiny's Child
Let the Drummer Kick - Citizen Cope
Acapella - Karmin
Best Song Ever - One Direction
'Til I Collapse - Eminem
The Monster - Eminem
Wanted - Jesse James
Roar - Katy Perry
People Like Us - Kelly Clarkson
Catch My Breath - Kelly Clarkson
Story of My Life - One Direction
Wild For the Night - A$AP
Run This Town - Rihanna & Kanye
Stay the Night -  Zedd
Slow Down - Selena Gomez
Red - Taylor Swift
Timber - Ke$ha
Holy Grail - Jay Z & JT
Midnight City - M83
We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark - Fall Out Boy
Niggas In Paris - Jay Z & Kanye
Paper Planes - M.I.A.
Brave - Sara Bareilles
H.A.M. - Jay Z & Kanye
Get 'Em High - Kanye
Winner - JT & Jamie Foxx
Midnight Memories - One Direction
Revo - Walk off the Earth
No Church in the Wild - Jay Z & Kanye

And check out the shirt I just whipped together for Jason to wear :)

It's certainly not perfect, but whatevs, it's still funny! Happy racing everyone!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Shop 'Til You Drop & Help a Sista' Out!

That's right peeps!
Who doesn't LOVE shopping from the comfort of your own home, lounging on the sofa in your yoga pants, perusing the latest Stella and Dot catalog, discovering the amazing power of essential oils, searching for the mythical secret to shedding those pesky Holiday pounds, viewing testimony after testimony from those who have done the Advocare cleanse. No? Just me?

Or maybe you are like many I know that have an uncontrollable urge to monogram everything they own? Perhaps you didn't even know how much you really DO need a utility tote from Thirty-One with your family's last name sewn onto it! Well ladies (and gents), fear not, for you are in luck! For the entire month of January you can shop until you drop at these and several other vendors for whatever your heart desires (or whatever you didn't get for Christmas)!

And the best part? All these amazingly selfless vendors are opening their hearts and their wallets just to help our little family raise money for our adoption!

These amazing individuals are very generously offering the proceeds of their January sales for our cause! They are available to answer any of your questions and all of their personal links are below for you to purchase their wares. I cannot tell you how much we appreciate your kindness and support! This event will be open the entire month of January, so take a look, share with EVERYONE YOU KNOW and shop on!

Where do I even start? doTerra essential oils have been just that for our family... ESSENTIAL! I cannot sing the praises of essential oils enough and what they have meant for my family, and I haven't even scratched the surface of their potential! This is based on a few years of experience with only 2-3 oils! Can you even begin to image the possibilities of how EVEN MORE of them can help my family?! I am so super pumped that my friend Jenn became a rep for doTerra and even more pumped to actually get my oils and diffuser in this week!!! Make this the year you ditch the pharmaceutical companies and take charge of you and your families health in a more natural way - the way it was intended! I could seriously go one for days about the benefits of these oils and my own testimonies of how it has worked! Just try it, and I promise you WILL NOT be disappointed in your results! You can check out Jenn's Facebook page Texas Oil Mama, where she posts tips, tricks, and oil combinations that are awesome! Totes can't wait to use some PastTense and some Lavender for my kiddos! Hello Sleep, it's been a while! #crunchymamasrock

What woman doesn't love to feel beautiful and confident while not breaking the bank?!  You must check out Lia Sophia! I had actually not heard of this company until I noticed a beautiful bracelet my mom was sporting one day. My MOM y'all, talk about being out of the loop - she was ahead me on this one! If you're a fan of Silpada and/or Stella & Dot, then you will LOVE all the amazing pieces offered by Lia Sophia! Whether its a fashion show, a wine gathering or a girls night out, my girl Crystal can hook you up! Did I mention the unmatchable lifetime replacement guarantee?! Hello! Who does that?! Lia Sophia does! I have ear marked at least 15 pieces that I am coveting!
I love gooooold
And just for you awesome people, Crystal is having a special sale! Once on website, click Browse Our Jewelry, then type in "Baby Miksovsky" as the hostess. The sale is buy 1 @ regular and get 2 @ 50% OFF BUT I will sweeten the deal and give them BUY 1 @ regular and they can get 4 @ 50% OFF and a FREE gift on me! What?! Are you serious Clark? That is AWESOME! Plus the privilege of shopping from my "personal" clearance items as low as $10. All jewelry comes with our Lifetime Replacement Guarantee. They can also contact me via my website to place their order. 100% of my commission will go into this fundraiser! Bonus...anyone books a party, I will also donate a portion of my paycheck for the cause! This chick is aaaaaahhhhhhh-maze-ing!!!!!
Meet Regan, my friend and fellow mom of multiples (identical girls) was recently turned onto the amazing products offered by Advocare and after seeing the results for herself first hand, decided to become a rep for the company and would love to tell you all about what their awesome line of products can do for YOU! I've done the 10 day cleanse, and lost pounds and inches y'all! And totally recommend it for ANYONE looking to jump start their clean eating and weight loss! What better time than now to make good on those New Year's resolutions! Looking to ditch the coffee in 2014, but don't know how you'll possibly manage it while still keeping those around you alive?! One word friends... Spark! Please contact Regan to get started today, she's got spark y'all! Here is the direct link to her site: ShesGotSpark

So yeah, I pretty much want this whole ensamble and I want to wear it NOW! LOVE the necklace, earrings bangle and bling bling ring!

and these earings?!
Love, love love!

Every Woman. Every Stage. Every Style. That's the motto for Premiere Designs Jewelry, and it's soooo true! I dare you to find a piece of jewelry here that you don't absolutely LOVE!  Premier Designs offers fabulous bling at great prices! Check out their catalog online at
Access code: WOW
Message or call her at 281-686-6520 for ordering

If you order in the month of January through Jody, 45% of your purchase goes to our adoption fund!  Get decked out in bling and help us give a forever family to a sweet little one, I call that a WIN-WIN!

Seriously, who doesn't LOVE Scentsy?! I have one in almost every room of my house! They have a scent for every season, holiday, mood... there is literally something for everybody! My girl Katie can get you hooked up on all your Scentsy needs! And what's even more exciting is that they are running a promotion right now if you have ever considered selling it yourself. Maybe you'd like to earn a little extra chedda' on the side? Now's your chance!
Joining Scentsy can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make! As a Scentsy Fragrance Consultant, you’ll have the chance to earn extra income while enjoying flexible hours and the satisfaction of connecting people with products you believe in.
Scentsy's Join in January program makes this decision even easier. When you join in January, you’ll also enjoy free shipping on your Starter Kit and have the opportunity to earn Scentsy Fragrance products — valued at $300 — for free! Just ask Katie how you can Join in January! OR if you like me and you just want to buy the awesome aromas, you can do so here! My favorite is Camu Camu - what's yours? Be sure to check out their Scent of the Month... Forever Yours and get it 10% off - woohoo! Here is her direct link:

You've switch your eggs to pastured, beef to grass-fed, produce to organic, but what about the products you put ON your body?? Are you looking for a safe, organic and herbal based skin care line, that actually works just as well as the chemical laden expensive stuff?? Well fear not, Arbonne has got you covered! Arbonne's product line has since grown to include both inner and outer health and beauty products that are unparalleled in quality, safety, value, benefits and results! For more information on how to get your hands on these products, please contact Joanna Chagra Krancher at or 713-591-1162 to place your order.

Bring your family together with Velata kitchen products. Serve up memories with their gourmet raclette grill, and chocolate and cheese fondue pots! Come on, who doesn't LOVE fondue?! Don't spend all that money at the Melting Pot when you can have it any time in the comfort of your own home! Contact Katie today so that you can start serving up memories!

Can I just say, I heart Thirty-One! And their new line, ugh, swoon worthy! Thirty-One has 21 new items in the Spring catalog and 13 new prints! Be one of the first to get your hands on them. They also have a great customer special this month, too!  Spend $35 and get your choice of one of our 8 new styles! Pinterest is a dangerous place, but my goodness they have a million and thirty one awesome ideas Check out Jennifer's Pinterest board, um yes please! Spring cleaning anyone?! Spring sports? Spring Break trips? Seriously, Thirty-one can handle it ALL and my girl Jennifer can tell you how you can get some!

We've all seen the commercials and heard of Proactiv, but have your heard of it's cooler, more sophisticated and smarter older sister, Rodan+Fields?! This company is taking over the skincare industry and proving that they deserve their place at the top with their proven and amazing skin care line! If you haven't heard of them or seen their amazing transformations, now is your chance! Rodan + Fields just announced new 2014 product specials. If you want to see some real-life results, check out this link for some stunning before and afters. If you don't know much about this new line, these are products made by the same doctors that created the billion-dollar acne line, Proactiv, and now they have committed to helping everyone else improve their skin, be it wrinkles, sun damage, adult acne or sensitive skin like rosacea or psoriasis. We have a 60-day money back guarantee, so it's worth a shot to try it! No risk!
Email my girl Nicole at or call 512.785.3111 and together y'all can figure out what's right for you!

Commelina Boutique - Fort Worth, Texas

Holla if you love new clothes! HOLLA! In my attempt to avoid mom jeans and living in yoga pants, and the mall with my kids! I have discovered the beauty that is shopping on-line for awesome, trendy, and affordable women's boutique clothing! Sa-weet! Whose got two thumbs and just ordered herself a new pair (or perhaps more than that, don't tell the hubs) fleece lined leggings!
Photo: FLEECE LINED LEGGINGS: Did we say six? During inspection a certain color had spots on almost every pair. Hope you can settle with five! Mocha-4, hot pink-5, dark brown-5, red-5, black-SOLD OUT. Only $10+tax with FREE SHIPPING! To purchase comment: color and email address. Also, OOA (out of area), if shipping outside of Texas - you will be tax exempt.
This girl! If you have to get out of your yoga pants, THIS is an awesome transition! And a $10 a piece with free shipping, you just can't beat the price! And the Dolman top, so flattering on anyone!
Get yours today at Commelina Boutique!

And of course, you'll need some bling to go with your new duds! I just love how colorful the pieces are at Stella & Dot! Like these gorgeous green earrings... swoon!

and LOVE the initial necklace - like LOVE LOVE! Like I must have it!
would also like to be able to add an initial to it if you know what I'm sayin!

Stella & Dot is a company that needs no introduction, they have proven themselves year after year as a jewelry company adored by celebs & seen in magazines. They have remained chic yet affordable! And did I mention that Allison is going to donate 100% of the profits from all jewelry sold through this trunk show for the month of January! Did I mention that I don't even know Allison?! Just think, every time you look at the piece of jewelry that you purchase from Allison you can know that you have made a HUGE impact in helping our family adopt a child! Talk about jewelry that makes you feel good about yourself! Seriously, LOVE all of Stella & Dots jewelry, your really can't go wrong!

So that's pretty much it! I cannot even put into words so honored I am to have ALL of these amazing women come together all to help our family. Most of these women I have never met. Talk about stepping out in faith and helping others! No matter what comes of this, I am and will always be humbled by this entire experience and it only pushes me to be more giving of my own time, talents, and finances! Like Dave Ramsey says, we have to live like no one else so that one day (and that one day is coming soon!) we can live and give like no one else! May the Lord bless all these women! Happy shopping y'all!